Corporate-Conservative Alliance Plots Attack on Safeguards

From many small and supposedly disconnected proposals, a larger pattern is emerging: corporate special interests and conservative lawmakers are conspiring to mount a comprehensive assault on regulatory protections, on a scale equivalent to the broad-based attacks of the Contract With America.

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Regulatory Policy Developments: 1998

Links take you to pages from our old website Two Regulatory ‘Reform' Provisions Enacted (12/23/98) The last-minute budget deal reached between the Clinton Administration and the congressional majority includes two broad, problematic regulatory "reform" provisions that apply to the operations of all federal agencies. Regulatory Reformers Make Few Gains in 105th Congress (12/23/98)

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Regulatory Policy Developments: 1997

Links will take you to pages from our old website. Index: Oppose the Regulatory Improvement Act of 1997 (S. 981) Regulatory Notebook (12/19/97) Updates on "takings" legislation, OSHA overhaul, and unfunded mandates reform. EPA Forms Advisory Panel for Endocrine Disruptor Screening Process (11/97)

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Regulatory Policy Developments: 1996

Note: These archive links take you to articles from our old website. HOME SEARCH Regulatory News Sorted By Date 1996 Regulatory Fights Likely to Continue (12/31/96) Even before the 105th Congress convenes, public interest groups are gearing up for another round of fights to protect public safeguards. Find out what will be happening with regulatory reform, federal mandates, and local flexibility/devolution.

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Agencies Continue to Abandon Protective Plans

Key agencies charged with protecting public health, safety and the environment continued to abandon work on long-identified priorities for new or improved regulatory safeguards, according to the fall 2004 Unified Agenda released last December.

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White House Adds Rule to Hit List After Calling it 'Accomplishment'

Just three months after touting an interim rule controlling Listeria in ready-to-eat meats as a "regulatory reform accomplishment," the White House added that same rule to a list of regulations to be weakened or eliminated. Corporate special interests nominated the Listeria rule for rollbacks in response to a call from the White House's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, which used its annual draft report on the costs and benefits of regulations last February to request industry's nominations for regulatory protections to be weakened or eliminated.

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Sunset, Results Commission Proposals Likely

Both the White House and congressional Republicans have vowed to introduce legislative packages that would force programs to fight for their lives every 10 years and would link controversial performance ratings to decisions about the very structure of government.

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Appeals Court Rejects Right of Action in Open Government Law

A federal appeals court has ruled that the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), an open government statute designed to guarantee that committees advising federal agencies are not biased, does not create a private right of action.

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Bill for DHS to Waive All Law Rides on Iraq War Supplemental

The House of Representatives voted to attach H.R. 418, the REAL ID Act — a bill that includes a dangerous provision empowering the Secretary of Homeland Security to waive all law when securing the nation’s borders — as a rider to the Iraq war supplemental, which passed the House and now is moving to the Senate. The House decided on March 16 to attach H.R. 418 as a rider by voice vote and subsequently voted out the must-pass supplemental with a vote of 388-43.

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House Committee Approves Government Performance Rating Bill

The House Government Reform Committee favorably reported out of committee the Program Assessment and Results Act, a bill that would have the effect of codifying the administration's controversial tool for rating program effectiveness. The bill is expected to move to the House floor this spring. The committee voted 18-14 to send the bill to the House floor during a March 10 markup session, after rejecting every amendment offered by committee Democrats.

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