White House Endorses Parts of Anti-Regulatory Hit List

The White House released the final version of its 2004-05 anti-regulatory hit list, with a report detailing 76 out of 189 items from the industry-nominated list that received the endorsement of the White House and agencies.

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GOP Threatens to Turn ‘Unfunded Mandates’ Into Roadblock

Republican lawmakers in both the House and the Senate have fired the first shots in an upcoming battle to turn the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act into an insurmountable obstacle to legislation designed to address unmet needs. House Republicans fired first by launching a series of hearings, and Senate Republicans followed up with an under-the-radar section in the budget resolution that uses UMRA to make it harder to pass laws such as an increase in minimum wage or improvements in civil rights protections.

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How Mandates are Identified

Download Congressional Budget Office report, "Identifying Intergovernmental Mandates" (Jan. 6, 2005)

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UMRA Language in Budget Resolution

Download section 403 of Senate budget resolution, which would convert UMRA points of order into 60-vote roadblocks.

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Alexander Remarks on Unfunded Mandates

Relevant excerpts and full text of remarks by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) before the National League of Cities, addressing reforms to UMRA

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Cap-and-trade is a method for controlling a variety of pollution emissions by setting an emission standard for polluters and then allowing polluters to trade emissions up to a certain cap. This industry-friendly approach has had moderate success in controlling pollution without putting "undue burden" on industry. However, it is often opposed by environmentalists and public interest groups because while lowering the overall emissions levels, it may increase harmful emissions in some areas. Hot Spots

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Senate Nixes New Right for Business to Restrict Information

The Senate rejected today a controversial amendment to a bankruptcy reform bill that would have given corporate special interests new incentives to refuse to provide information necessary for protecting the public.

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Studies on Health Risks from Pollutants Verify Need for Safeguards

Several recently published scientific studies on the negative health impacts of depleted uranium, diesel engines, mercury and urban pollutants underscore the need for stronger environmental regulations to protect public health. In this article:
  • Depleted Uranium May Have Same Health Effects as Lead
  • Diesel Pollution Causes 21,000 Premature Deaths Each Year
  • Mercury Reduces IQs of 300,000 to 600,000 Children Annually
  • Urban Pollution Can Lead to Genetic Alterations, Cancer
Depleted Uranium Not Harmless

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Coalition Opposes Santorum Amendment to Bankruptcy Bill

Download CSS letter to the Senate opposing the anti-regulatory components of the Santorum amendment to the bankruptcy bill (S. 256).

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Bankrupting Public Protections: Reasons to Oppose Santorum Amendment to S. 256

Download fact sheet about the anti-regulatory components of the Santorum amendment to the bankruptcy bill (S. 256).

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