Sunset Commissions: Press Packet

Speakers on July 25 Briefing Call

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Telephone Briefing on Sunset Commission Bills

WASHINGTON — Former Texas Sunset Commissioner O.H. "Ike" Harris, Barbara Coufal of AFSME, and Gabriela Lemus of LULAC and Robert Shull of OMB Watch will brief journalists on a dangerous proposal to create an unelected, unaccountable commission empowered to target programs for elimination. More than 300 organizations are opposing the creation of a sunset commission. Speakers tomorrow will discuss the legislation, the Texas experience, and the threat that such commissions pose to the most vulnerable members of our society.

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Ask Your Representative to Vote "No" on Sunsets! Call Today!

Call your representative, and tell him or her to vote ‘No’ on sunset legislation!

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Two Sunset Bills Racing to Floor Vote in House

Negotiations among proponents of sunset commission legislation have reportedly broken down, and now two separate bills are racing to the House floor for a vote as early as next week. Both bills share the basic sunset concept: creating unelected, unaccountable commissions to recommend which programs or agencies live, die, or get changed, and then to force the issue with Congress.

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    Issue Brief: Sunset Commission Proposals

    This issue brief discusses the leading sunset commission proposals in the last months of the 109th Congress and identifies whether they live up to their promise of cutting waste and improving management of federal programs, or whether they present new problems.

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    Programs on the Chopping Block

    Congress will soon consider the creation of a “sunset commission.” If approved, this unelected and unaccountable commission would have the power to recommend programs for elimination or realignment. Below are some of the programs continually under threat of elimination by the Bush administration and the Republican Study Committee. If the sunset commission proposal is passed, Congress may have little opportunity to save these valuable programs. Download a fact sheet on some of the programs at risk of being cut.

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    Side-by-Side Analysis: Competing Sunset Proposals

    A comparison of the Tiahrt, Brady and White House sunset proposals in the House.

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    Sunset Bill Emerges in House

    After months of negotiations led by House Majority Leader John Boehner, proponents of sunset commission legislation unveiled a new bill that is racing to the floor. Watch and the blog REG•WATCH for more developments. Statement of Robert Shull, Director of Regulatory Policy, OMB Watch Analysis of the new bill, H.R. 5766 Text of the bill, H.R. 5766

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    New Bill Would Put Government in Hands of Bush Cronies

    Statement of Robert Shull, OMB Watch
    A bill introduced in Congress yesterday would allow Bush administration cronies to recommend sweeping changes in the federal government - including the elimination of entire programs - and force those changes through Congress, according to the watchdog group OMB Watch.

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    H.R. 5766 - The Government Efficiency Act of 2006

    Rep. Todd Tiahrt's (R-KS) sunset commission legislation, introduced July 12, 2006. As reported out by House Govt Reform Committee As introduced

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