Presentation to NAS Panel on OMB Proposed Risk Assessment Bulletin

Download slide presentation by J. Robert Shull to May 2006 meeting of the NAS panel convened to peer review the Proposed Risk Assessment Bulletin.

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Sunset Legislation Delayed Until September

In a sign that public pressure from concerned citizens works, the two sunset commission bills in the House scheduled for floor votes the week before August recess were both delayed until September.

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Testimony on H.R. 682, Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act

Download testimony of J. Robert Shull, Director of Regulatory Policy. Click here to watch the hearing. Click here for OMB Watch response to committee follow-up questions, with these attachments: Regulation & Competitiveness Ackerman, "Unbearable Lightness of Regulatory Costs" The Going-Out-of-Business Myth Discussion of misleading Crain/Hopkins study

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It's Working: Sunset Bills Delayed (For Now)

The two sunset commission bills that were racing toward a floor vote in the House this week have both been delayed. All signs were that they would be voted on this week, but they have both been delayed until September.

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This Is Not Your Texas Sunset Commission

The Tiahrt bill's sunset commissions differ significantly from the widely touted model from Texas. Find out why.

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Memo to Editorial Boards on Federal Sunset Commission Legislation

Two proposals racing to a floor vote in Congress this week would create an un-elected, unaccountable sunset commission that could lead to serious consequences for programs that play vital roles in protecting the environment, public health, and safety, as well as programs that provide education, social services, and community development. A vote on these proposals is likely in the House on Thursday.

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Veterans Groups Oppose Sunsets

Opposition to sunset commission legislation advanced considerably with the decision by veterans services organizations to oppose sunset bills.

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With Vote Scheduled in the House, Experts Oppose "Sunset Commission" Bills

WASHINGTON, July 25 - Policy experts and key stakeholders spoke out today calling on the U.S. House of Representatives to reject two "sunset commission" bills. The House will vote this week on both bills, under which unelected commissions would be given the authority to recommend sweeping changes in the federal government and force those changes through Congress.

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Sunset Legislation Faces Vote on the Floor, Advocates Speak Out

The House will vote this week on two "sunset commission" bills, under which unelected commissions would be given the authority to recommend sweeping changes in the federal government and force those changes through Congress.

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