Organizations Speak Out Against Sunsets

A compilation of some of the letters that organizations are sending to Congress to express their opposition to the "sunset commission" chopping block. To be added as they are published. Organization Letters Coalition Sign-On Environment Letter National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities Leadership Council of Aging Organizations      Services to People in Need Groups concerned about Medicaid and Medicare National Low Income Housing Coalition      Education American Association of University Women - May 18, 2006 National Association of State Directors of Special Education

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Sunset Commissions are NOT Good Government

Sunset commissions are not the solution to cutting waste... in fact, they're just not good government solutions at all. Learn more with these fact sheets: Sunset Commissions Are NOT Good Government: "Good government" rationales for sunset commissions don't hold water. We tell you why. 20 Bites at the Apple: We just don't need sunset commissions; there are already 20 bites at the apple -- or more -- to keep programs in line.

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Fact sheets and other materials, updated to reflect the new bills now racing to the House floor. About the Proposals Side-by-side analysis of leading bills Sunset Issue Brief" One-pager: Tiahrt Bill (H.R. 5766) Sunset Commissions: Myth v. Reality Counter-Arguments Not Good Government No Need for Sunsets: 20 Bites at the Apple In the News Selected news articles and op-eds Dayton News editorial (from Mr.

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Update: Boehner Makes Sunset Commission Proposal Legislative Priority

House of Representatives Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) has begun work behind the scenes to draft new sunset commission legislation and has signaled to his party that the sunset commission will be a legislative priority.

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The Sunset Commission Would Promote More Cronyism in Washington

Rather than establishing an objective means for evaluating and reorganizing government, the sunset commission proposal would open the door to more backroom lobbying by special interests and close the door to public participation.

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Sunset Commission Threatens Separation of Powers

By placing broad reorganization authority in an unelected body chosen by the White House and muzzling congressional debate on reorganization or termination recommendations, the sunset commission proposal would usurp the authority of democratically elected representatives and override the constitutional separation of powers.

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Sunset Commissions Could Be Folded Into Budget Process Reform

Hill sources indicate that sunset commission proposals could move through the House by riding onto a package of budget process reforms. Ever since the revelation that House leadership conceded to the Republican Study Committee's demands for a guaranteed floor vote on sunset commission proposals, the key question for many has been what legislative vehicle will be used to fulfill that promise.

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Needed Health and Safety Regulations Left Idle on Agency 'To-Do' Lists

With the release of their Spring 2006 regulatory agendas on Apr. 24, federal agencies once again relegate important health and safety protections to the back burner.

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Backgrounder: Federal Programs on the Chopping Block

Learn more about the sunset commission proposals with this three-page backgrounder which walks through the technical details of the proposals. Download the backgrounder, "Federal Programs on the Chopping Block: Radical Proposals for 'Sunset Commissions' Set to Move in the House." Or click here for a quick one-page overview of the threat.

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