About Sunset Commissions: Putting Federal Programs on the Chopping Block

Proposals are gathering steam in the 109th Congress for "sunset commissions" -- forcing federal programs to plead for their lives before an unelected commission with the power to recommend whether they live or die. Proposals for sunset commissions have been introduced several times over the last ten years, but they have rarely advanced beyond the occasional courtesy hearing. In the 109th Congress, not only have several members of Congress introduced sunset bills, but also the White House itself released its own proposal.

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Rolling Stone Magazine: "Bush's Most Radical Plan Yet"

Read Rolling Stone magazine's in-depth background feature on the White House proposal that galvanized efforts to create "sunset commissions." Click here for the article, from the April 21, 2005 issue of Rolling Stone. BONUS: The conversation with Rolling Stone's reporter continued online. Read online exchanges with the reporter, and more material on sunsets that didn't make it into the article, from The Booman Tribune, also re-posted on The Daily Kos.

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Sunset Commission Proposal Would Put Gov't Programs on Chopping Block

House conservatives have reportedly secured a floor vote for a radical sunset commission proposal that would ram program terminations through Congress. A Brief Overview To ensure passage of the House Fiscal Year 2007 budget resolution, House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) reportedly struck a deal with Republican Study Committee (RSC) leaders for floor consideration of several proposals, including a presidential line-item veto and a proposal to institute sunset commissions.

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What Would the Sunset Commission Proposals Do?

A quick look at the working parts of the two leading proposals for sunset commissions. Download (PDF | Word) the fact sheet.

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Sunset Commissions: Experiences in the States

While proponents of a sunset commission in Congress, particularly Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), have touted the achievement of sunset commissions in the states, evidence suggests that this case may have been overstated.

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2006 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Downloads for OIRA's 2006 annual report: Draft reportDownloads for OIRA's 2006 annual report:

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Problems of Sunset Commissions

"Sunset commission" proposals would force all government programs--from CDBG to TANF, EPA to OSHA, DHS to DOD, and everything in between--to plead for their lives on a periodic basis, such as every ten years. The idea is a complicated version of something very simple: government shut downs. Download the fact sheet (PDF | Word) outlining the key elements and problems of the two major sunset proposals in the House.

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Groups Ask Congress to Reject Program Sunset Proposals

Nonprofit groups spoke out today against sunset proposals now being pushed by House conservatives. The proposals could create a single unelected commission to review every federal program, and would mandate that all federal programs automatically "sunset"--completely cease--after a fixed period, unless Congress intervened.

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Groups Oppose Sunset Commissions - Letter to Congress

A broad cross-section of the public interest and faith communities, at both the national and local levels, expressed opposition to plans to include sunset commissions in budget process reform. Download the letter Read the press release Learn more about sunset commission proposals Organization letters

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Conservatives Use Budget Process Reform as Opportunity to Push Program Sunsets

Press reports indicate that House conservatives are pushing for budget process reform changes as a condition of securing their votes on the upcoming House budget resolution, and their demands include a controversial proposal for a program sunset commission. The House GOP leadership may give serious consideration to such a proposal in order to pass a budget resolution this year.

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